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Keyword: ballot

Senate allows continued use of ballot ‘drop boxes’

PHOENIX — State senators refused Monday to outlaw or even restrict the use of ballot “drop boxes” despite claims they are opportunities for fraud.

Arizona GOP takes voting fight to Mohave County court

PHOENIX — Rebuffed by the Arizona Supreme Court, the state Republican Party is making a new bid to sharply curtail who can cast a ballot by mail.

Panel: GOP ballot law could be unconstitutional

PHOENIX — The Democratic Party will get a chance to challenge state laws that now put Republicans first on the ballots of most Arizonans.

Arizona Supreme Court: Early voting not …

The Arizona Supreme Court won’t quash the method of voting used by nearly 90% of state residents, at least not now. In a brief order late Tuesday, the justices rejected a bid by the Arizona …

Arizonans react to proposal to eliminate early voting

A handful of 2022 legislative proposals would reverse the main mechanisms Arizona voters have to vote in elections in ways other than waiting in line on Election Day. In Sun City, where as many …

Committee votes Monday on bill for hand-counting …

PHOENIX — A Republican lawmaker is finally going to get a chance to try to sell colleagues on his idea of killing early voting and requiring all ballots to be hand counted. Sen. Kelly …

Voter photo ID advances in Arizona legislature

PHOENIX — Republican lawmakers have been saying for months that Arizonans want additional voter identification requirements. They’re going to get a chance to find out if that is the …

Early, mail-in voting nixed by Arizona Senate panel

PHOENIX — Millions of Arizonans would lose the right to vote early and by mail under the terms of legislation approved Monday by a Senate panel. SB 1404 would scrap longstanding law that …

Bowers, House speaker, quashes election override …

PHOENIX — The top House Republican is unilaterally quashing legislation which would have given lawmakers the power to reject election returns. Strictly speaking, Speaker Rusty Bowers told …

Lawmaker proposes 35-page rewrite of election laws

PHOENIX — A Republican state lawmaker is proposing to give the Arizona Legislature — currently controlled by Republicans — the right to reject election returns. Rep. John …

Cook says he still seeks re-election

PHOENIX — The way David Cook sees it, once you've been elected to office you shouldn't have to be bothered gathering signatures on nominating petitions for your reelection. The Republican …

Ninth Circuit: Arizona voters can’t ‘fix’ …

PHOENIX — Arizonans who forget to sign their early ballots have no legal right to fix them after Election Day to ensure their votes are counted, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday. The …