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Keyword: Governor

Hobbs disagrees with judge’s ruling on confirmation …

PHIOENIX — Gov. Katie Hobbs is spurning a suggestion by a judge that she work out her differences with the Senate over the confirmation of her agency directors. “It is not possible …

Free motorcycle safety class heading to Peoria

The Peoria Police Department, in partnership with the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety, is hosting an interactive motorcycle safety class in February.

Peoria-based nonprofit awarded $100,000 for motorcycle …

The Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation has announced the award of a $100,000 grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

Four Queen Creek schools set to start $28M expansions

The Queen Creek Unified School District Board of Governors approved a maximum cap of about $28 million in total construction costs for additions at four schools, with the state’s School …

Mayor Hartke: Rental tax ban to cost Chandler $11M …

Chandler’s mayor says a bill signed into law by the Arizona governor late this week will cost the city about $11 million per year in tax revenue. Tuesday, Aug. 1, Gov. Katie Hobbs on …

Gilbert police get grant for traffic enforcement

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has given the Gilbert Police Department a grant of $90,000 to focus on road safety. The additional funds will allow officers to spend extra …

Hobbs has place in history vetoing more bills than any …

PHOENIX — If nothing else, Katie Hobbs has gained her place in history by having vetoed more bills than any other Arizona governor.

Hobbs appoints three new members to the Arizona …

Governor Katie Hobbs appointed three new members to the five-member board of the Arizona Finance Authority.

Former Gov. Ducey new chief executive of Citizens for …

PHOENIX — Saying he wants to fight a “push toward socialism,” Doug Ducey has signed on as the new chief executive of Citizens for Free Enterprise.

Gilbert PD stepping up seat-belt enforcement after …

 Gilbert PD will join law enforcement agencies across the state and country in stepping up traffic patrols May 22-June 4 with a goal of increasing seatbelt usage rates through education and …

Peoria Police to step up seat belt enforcement

The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety is partnering with the Peoria Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies to enforce Arizona’s seat belt and child safety seat laws.

Hobbs completes 100 days as governor with …

PHOENIX — Katie Hobbs completes her first 100 days Wednesday with various controversies, criticism and the liberal use of her veto stamp.