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Cravens: Letter writer once again makes ridiculous claims


I would like to respond to the letter from Jean Goncalves, regarding the vice presidential debate.

The letter writer makes a ridiculous claim regarding the “speaking” time that “way more time was given to Kamala Harris” versus the time given to Mike Pence. In fact, a CBS News tally of each candidate’s speaking time shows that Mike Pence was given 38 minutes versus Kamala Harris’s 35 minutes (https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54467093).

Once again, this letter writer shows a complete disregard for facts and reality, similar to her party’s approach when it comes to science and medicine.

The most telling example of this syndrome was when Mr. Pence stated “From the very first day, President Donald Trump has put the health of America first.”

I would suspect there are about 212,000 or more American families who would dispute that assertion. As far as the opinion that Kamal Harris came across as “arrogant, snarky, and very rude” - that is the “go-to” Republican classification for any strong, intelligent female these days. Those very same attributes would be heralded in a male candidate as strength, intelligence, and assertiveness.

And by the way, has Ms. Goncalves ever actually listened to the President of the United States speak (or Tweet, as is his custom)? He is a rude, demeaning, classless, loudmouth bully.

But I guess since he antagonizes those people who have traditionally been “second-class citizens” in this country, that is just a-okay with her!

She supports a man who has no platform, no plan, and no vision other than taking this country back to a time when only straight, white male Christians had any say in how this country is run.

Wake up and smell the 21st Century, it’s here whether you want it to be or not.

Editor's note: Gregory Cravens is a Peoria resident.