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Chandler-Gilbert CC partners with city for paid internships

Deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 3


CHANDLER — Chandler-Gilbert Community College has partnered with the City of Chandler to provide paid internships for CGCC students.

These internships offer a wide-variety of experiences in areas such as social media marketing, information technology, the arts, administration, and more.

Devon Mahon is the Career Services Internship Analyst. As an employee of the Maricopa County Community College District, he works both with CGCC and the City of Chandler to manage this new program.

“We’re establishing new opportunities for career preparation and professional development,” said Mahon. “Students will be able to apply skills and knowledge that they learn in their classes to real-world situations while building their resume and helping different departments within the City of Chandler fulfill their mission.”

Internships are 10-19 hours per week for 12 or 16-weeks starting on Monday, March 20. Ten internships are available for Spring 2023, and the application deadline is Friday, Feb. 3, 2023, by 5:00 pm.

Interested students can schedule an appointment with Career Services for Internships to get assistance with the application process.

Internship descriptions, job duties, and applications can be found online by self-enrolling in a free Canvas Community for internships at learn.maricopa.edu/enroll/DMEL6D.

Find out more about CGCC Career Services at cgc.edu/careers.