Dear Valued Readers:
Thank you for supporting us at Independent Newsmedia through your voluntary pay contributions. We hope you agree that our dedication to covering nonpartisan, community news is making a difference in perserving democracy. It’s so important to our mission that you trust our news organization as we strive to present all sides of an issue.
Your donation is crucial to continue our journalistic mission. We are blessed to have dedicated readers like you who continue to help us grow into new communities in Arizona where it is essential to have watchdog journalism.
As you know, a community without a devoted newspaper loses social capital and connections between citizens and civic groups. Everything we do is aimed at reinforcing and strengthening the bonds that connect our readers and our communities.
It is individuals like you who help keep our presses running and allow this little company with big ideas to continue offering our readers credible, nonpartisan reporting from our journalists and an experienced network of correspondents who know Arizona better than anyone else.
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Our unique structure is designed to maintain our independence. We’re owned by a nonprofit trust. There are no shareholders, no dividends are paid, and all after-tax profits are reinvested in our journalistic mission.
We rely on a combination of business advertising, reader contributions and subscriptions, grants and sponsorships to support our journalism. Contributors donate solely to support local journalism, and do not influence our journalism. We now offer merchandise for those who would like something in return for supporting our journalism.
While we always appreciate your suggestions, Press Club members support us because they share our belief that good journalism must be independent, civil and unbiased. Please email your suggestions personally to me at
Thank you, take care and happy perusing!