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chandler opinions

Speak Up: Juneteenth, Pride month, murder-suicide

Speak Up is a regular column that rounds up comments on local topics from social media and other sources. Got a comment on a story you’ve recently seen? Email us at azopinions@iniusa.org, …

Letter: Chandler city manager worthy of raises

I have worked in three valley cities for almost fifty years. For most of that time, I worked directly for seven City Managers. I can remember, in the early seventies, my manager confided in me …

Letter: Sun Lakes Bible study is for English-language learners

Save the date: Thursday, Aug. 15, 12:30 p.m., at First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes, 9535 E Riggs Road, there will be an English as a second language Bible study offered for anyone age 16 or older. …

New Chandler laws address teen violence

One of our primary responsibilities is to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. The Chandler City Council has heard from residents who have witnessed or been victimized by senseless …

Investing in Chandler’s future: Why passing the bond is critical

As residents of Chandler, we take pride in our community, and one of our greatest sources of pride is Chandler Unified School District. CUSD schools consistently rank among the best in Arizona …

Keep Chandler a beacon of nonpartisanship and progress

Hello, I’m OD Harris, and I am honored to be a candidate for re-election to Chandler City Council. Over the years, I've had the privilege of serving this incredible community, working …

Celebrate Juneteenth with us in Chandler

Celebrating Juneteenth presents an opportunity for a community conversation on freedom, equality and justice. It is a day to honor the resilient and enduring spirit of those who fought for …

City should let residents speak at more types of meetings

On March 18, a formal request by the Legislative District 13 Local Government Committee for the right of Chandler residents to speak at public meetings, such as work sessions, study sessions, …

Chandler councilmember: This is not goodbye, so stop me and say hello

As I neared the end of my eight years of serving the residents of Chandler, I wanted to thank you for the humble opportunity to represent you and our city to improve the lives of our residents. My …
Take the Civility Pledge

Civility Checklist

How to engage in respectful, honest & civil dialogue about public issues.

Checkmark Take the high road.  Respond to the topic — not the person. Refrain from demonizing others for their opinions. Assume those you disagree with are, like you, genuinely interested in improving the community.

Checkmark Be respectful. Bullying, public humiliation, insults, name-calling, harassment, and threats directed at another person — or that person's race, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. — have no place in civil discussions. Find ways to respectfully disagree without questioning someone's character or motives.

Checkmark Be truthful. Base your opinions/arguments on facts. Value honesty. Make only accurate statements when making your point and avoid exaggeration and stereotypes. When appropriate, cite your sources of information that others may question. 

Checkmark Don't misrepresent. Always identify your opinions as opinions (not stating opinions as facts). Never misrepresent the views of others or falsely claim your opinions represent someone else. If quoting the words of others, identify and credit the source.

Checkmark Listen  & learn. It's both polite and respectful to listen to those we disagree with (as well as those we support) and be genuine in our attempts to understand their point of view. Expand your mind by thoughtfully seeking out views that don't agree with your own.

CheckmarkLook for common ground. When disagreeing with others, look for even small areas of agreement — which can be the gateway to working together for the greater good.

Checkmark Respect privacy. Keep private things private — whether it involves your own information or those with whom you disagree. Revealing private information about someone else is rude, unethical, potentially harmful and, in many cases, illegal.

Checkmark Set a good example. Practice civil behavior online as well as in public and in your interaction with others. Encourage others to practice these civil behaviors. And it's OK to challenge disrespectful behavior — but be courteous, respectful and helpful in your approach.

Now that you've read the checklist, take the Civility Pledge. 

Your Community Your Voice
Latest regional, state and national issues
Bjorn Lomborg

Lomborg: The world’s No. 1 killer — heart disease

The world’s biggest killer is one that seldom creates headlines. The public conversation focuses far more on disasters like airplane crashes or climate change events. However, these kill thousands of times fewer people.

Drozd: A vote against Harris for president

The plethora of leading Democrats who support Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate is a travesty and disservice to the American people. Her record of chaos among her staff, failure when …

Roberts: Freedom of religion a cherished right

I was brought up by a Protestant mother and a Baptist father. We regularly went to church. I have had many good friends who were Catholic. Over the many years of my lifetime, I learned that the …

Dime: Crisis and chaos by design

Biden was the perfect empty shell for the Democrat autocracy. The democrats used him to front their succession of failing policy mandates that destroyed the revenue stream from fossil fuel …

Kelly: Leaders still doing important work

I know the political heat is high right now, but it’s important to remember that our leaders are still doing important work in Congress. I recently saw Congressman David Schweikert on TV …
Bruce Nurse

Nurse: Move over fossil fuels, here comes geologic hydrogen

Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have relied heavily on fossil fuels as their primary energy source.

Broughton: Small business programs need to be modernized

I recently was honored to join 20 other small businesses in Washington, DC to talk with lawmakers and leaders from the Small Business Administration (SBA) about what we, as entrepreneurs, need to …

Ward: Declining reelection bid is nothing new

Just minutes after President Biden withdrew from his campaign, remarkably uniform statements sprang from many Republican sources claiming that a president who withdraws from seeking a second term is …
Tom Bottorf is running for Peoria City Council in the Mesquite District.

Bottorf: I'm the common sense candidate for Peoria City Council, Mesquite District

After a career in business, engineering, and nonprofit work helping kids stay out of college debt, my wife and I moved to the Mesquite District in Peoria.
Tom Patterson

Patterson: Poverty is caused by the 'dad gap'

Well after 50 years from the end of the Civil War, black Americans in much of the country were not allowed to enter the homes of whites by the front door.

Rivero: Payne stood up for small businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of Arizona’s economy, but skyrocketing prescription drug prices are making it difficult for employers to offer their employees flexible and affordable health …
Frank Knapp Jr.

Knapp Jr.: How to bring civility back to politics

Immediately after the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump, we have heard Republicans and Democrats calling for a change in campaign rhetoric.

Lynch: Opposes chair of labor relations board

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the renomination of Lauren McFerran as chair of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). This decision poses a significant threat to …
By Dr. Alicia Iniguez, assistant vice president, outreach at Arizona State University

Iniguez: Fighting brain drain is a critical component of a well-spent summer break

Summer is here, which means popsicles, camp, vacation and some quality family time with the kids.
Henry I. Miller

Miller: Is Biden presidential material?

As a longtime baseball fan and an observer of politics, I often hark back to Yogi Berra’s memorable quip, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

Versagi: We should take all shootings seriously, not just Trump’s

Yes, it is extraordinarily sad and disturbing that past-President Trump was shot.

Goncalves: Debating the right to vote

The Republicans in the House passed the Save Act which requires voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship at the time of registration. What is wrong with that? One hundred ninety-eight …
Laura Page is a candidate for the Peoria City Council representing the Mesquite District.

Page: Just say 'no' at Peoria's planning commission meeting July 18

As a candidate for city council representing Peoria's Mesquite District, let’s pump the brakes on this fast paced development. I don’t understand what the rush is all about!

James: Political signs are fine when they come down on time

Some folks complain about the proliferation of political signs; not me. I am happy to see the large number of different campaign signs come up during the election season. The various campaign …
Brenda Kalivianakis

Kalivianakis: Political culture festering with hate is unacceptable

I recently penned two letters regarding how “aggressive politics are infecting our small towns” and “the impact of PACs on government.” Both pieces suggested that the process …

Loschiavo: On gun ownership

It’s a terrible shame. People that say others should not have a gun — they should be out. It’s not the guns. If people wanna harm themselves they’ll find other ways …
Tom Patterson

Patterson: Peace through weakness a really bad idea

The warning signs can no longer be ignored. America’s future as a world power is fading.

Goldberg: Real Intelligence (R.I.) starts early

With Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) taking center stage these days, it is important not to forget about Real Intelligence (R.I.). Remember the saying, “You are what you eat?” Now it …

Dime: Why politically charged unity can’t work

The confrontations between organic unity, the virtue of mutual acceptance, and politically charged unity, the concoction of equity that provokes social conflicts, are palpable. Organic unity, or …

Scott: Let’s rethink fireworks on Independence Day

Humans embrace their entertainment, but at what cost? With Independence Day again upon us, can we reimagine “patriotism?” Studies of fireworks shows indicate “sharp and …

Swoope: The Supreme Court has thrown out decades of precedence

Be afraid. Be very afraid. The Conservative six justices, having established an imperial Supreme Court, have now established an imperial presidency via the presidential immunity ruling. Only the …

Long: Who I am voting for

Like you, I am planning to vote soon and again in the fall. Though my choices are private, I can tell you who I am planning to vote for. Not by name, of course, but by character. I am planning …
Rhonda Carlson, President & CEO of Peoria Chamber of Commerce

Carlson: New reporting requirements for small businesses carry costly penalties

If you are a business with fewer that 20 employees and annual gross receipts of less that $5 million, chances are you will need to report your Beneficial Ownership Information to the Financial Crimes …
Donald B. Smith

Smith: Data points to heavier trucks making roads more dangerous

Recently released crash and fatality data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration underscores dangerous and deadly trends gripping the nation’s roads.
Peoria Mayor Jason Beck

Beck: Real-time crime center is in the works

In September, the Peoria City Council unanimously approved an intergovernmental agreement to utilize a $2.6 million state grant for the funding of a brand new, state-of-the-art Real-Time Crime Center.