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Valley Favorites Frequently Asked Questions

How does the voting round work?

The voting round takes place November 1st – 30th.

Do businesses have to pay to be represented on the ballot? 

No! The 2023 Valley Favorites results are based 100 percent on the public’s nominations and votes. Being an advertiser does not guarantee a win.

Then what’s the deal with the ads on the ballot?

We offer Valley Favorites advertising packages which include ad spots on the ballot, ads in our print publications, and ads across yourvalley.net. These advertising packages give businesses more exposure, but do NOT guarantee anything for the contest.

Why is my nomination not showing up on the ballot?

Nominations aren’t public until the voting round. The top five nominees in each category will move on to the voting round. In certain cases, when there isn’t enough variety in the nominations, fewer than five will advance.

How many times can I vote for a business?

You may cast one vote per day per category.

How does the voting round work?

The five businesses that receive the most nominations in each category advance to the voting round. Voting takes place November 1st –31st.

How many times can I vote for a business?

You may vote once per day per category.

What happened to that one category from last year? 

Every year, we take a close look at the categories from the previous year's ballot. Some categories get added based on reader feedback/suggestions. Others are dropped due to low engagement. Some categories are combined. Some are reworded for clarity. We do our best to consider the impact of these changes, but we’d like to hear from you if you have comments or suggestions. Please email those messages to amoose@iniusa.org.

How can I promote my business to get nominations/votes?

Download these free graphics here to help get the word out.

Can nominees be based outside of the Phoenix Metro area?

We consider nominations only in the Phoenix Metro region.

Can chain stores and franchises be nominated, or is it only for locals?

We love to see locally-owned small businesses shine, however some categories just don’t have many locally owned businesses. It’s up to the voters to say what they support.

I don’t have time to fill out the whole ballot right now. Can I come back later and do more?

Yes! As long as you’ve already registered (entered your email address on the form on your first nomination or vote), you can pick up where you left off. When you return to the ballot on the same device, you should be automatically logged in and able to see your previous selections.

Why do I have to make an account?

Our ballot software requires that users create an account to track your selections. This helps us guard against fraudulent voting and allows you to revisit the ballot before deadline to make changes and additional nominations. There is no password needed!

How do I find out who the winners are?

Winners will be announced online in February and in the February issue of all of our print publications.

Which honorees will be featured?

In addition to the 2023 Valley Favorites winners, the two runner-ups in every category will be listed in the February 2024 issues + online Winner’s Directory.

When will finalists and winners be notified?

We will do our best to notify finalists in September and early October (typically by email) prior to the voting round. We will begin to notify winners in December and early January. We ask winners to keep it a secret until the winners are announced publicly (online on February 1st and in print February).

Why wasn’t I notified that I was a finalist or a winner?

With hundreds of categories and thousands of contenders, it’s a challenge to maintain an up-to-date list of contact information. If you know you are a finalist or a winner status, feel free to send us your best contact name, email address, mailing address, and phone numbers at amoose@iniusa.org so we can keep you in the loop.

Still have questions? Contact Digital Sales Manager, Austin Moose at amoose@iniusa.org.

Vote here:

2023 East Valley Favorites

2023 West Valley Favorites

2023 Scottsdale Favorites