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Quinn Kellis: Critical Race Theory not in Dysart schools


There is a lot of discussion about school curriculum right now, and rightfully so, as there is concern over what is or is not being taught in our classrooms.

Much of the concern has arisen from incidents in other states, and broad assumptions are being made that all districts and schools have or are making sweeping changes to their curriculum to incorporate Critical Race Theory. 

I want to assure our community that in the Dysart Unified School District, we continue to use the classic and well-established curriculum that has been in place now for many years. 

Dysart Schools do not have a curriculum for or teach Critical Race Theory, nor has the governing board or administration had any discussions related to the exploration, adoption or implementation of this theory. 

We strive to have a positive culture where everyone feels welcomed and valued each and every day. Dysart Schools only use curriculum that is aligned with the Arizona state standards (azed.gov/standards-practices/).

We will always be transparent in every aspect of our operations, including what students are learning in our classrooms. I invite you to view Dysart’s curriculum anytime at your convenience on our website at Dysart.org/iPlan. If parents have questions about specific class assignments, I encourage them to ask their children’s teacher for details directly. 

Our focus is on providing a high-quality education and training our future workforce. Students in Dysart’s kindergarten through eighth-grade classes are provided instruction in four core subjects, including mathematics, language arts, science and social studies. 

They also participate in special area classes such as arts and physical education. In high school students are put on the path to complete graduation requirements, which include English, mathematics, science, social studies, PE/health, fine arts or career and technical education (CTE) and electives. High schoolers must earn at least 22 credits to graduate.

Dysart Schools remain committed to providing an extraordinary education to our community. Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children.

Editor’s Note: Quinn Kellis is the superintendent of the Dysart Unified School District.