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Letters: Stage Left is a big secret of Surprise


Stage Left Productions is one of the best kept secrets of Surprise. 

The beautiful 80-seat theater is located on Bell Road right behind The Hurricane Grill. It’s five miles away from Sun City West.

Those who attended the play Velocity of Autumn were in for a delightful experience. 

The two characters, 80-year-old Alexandra, and her son, Chris, captivate the audience with a poignant, yet funny, script that deals with many of the issues of aging. 

The flawless acting kept the audience enthralled the entire performance.

I highly recommend that your readers plan on attending “Outside Mullingar” in August.

Part of the description on the Stage Left web page describes the play as “a very Irish story with a surprising depth of poetic passion, these yearning, eccentric souls fight their way towards solid ground and some kind of happiness. Their journey is heartbreaking, funny as hell, and ultimately deeply moving.”