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Trump continues his dangerous practices


I’m horrified that our soon-to-be-installed President actually took to the media to spread the outright lie that the people who committed the atrocities in New Orleans and Las Vegas were “illegal immigrants” who entered our country through “Biden’s open borders.” Truth is, they were American-born servicemen. I’m sure no one expected Trump to stop fanning the flames of division, but for our president to continue to spread lies and conspiracies is extremely dangerous.

Voters were warned by Lincoln Project, Vote Vets, military leaders, respected conservative judges, cabinet members, staff, the VP, and even by Trump himself, about exactly what he planned to do. The details were even written down in Project 2025. Dismantle our government and institutions, destroy the Constitution (which protects individual freedoms and rights), replace our current government with an oligarchy headed by all-powerful dictator Trump. Noting the completely inappropriate, unqualified and totally disastrous candidates he’s put forward for various vital positions, it’s obvious things are moving forward as planned.

Never before have we elected a convicted felon for president. Think about it! Felons can’t even vote. Why should they be allowed to be president? But dangerously misinformed voters chose chaos, cruelty, violence and revenge over competence, accountability, kindness and joy. They believed Trump’s continual lies, reinforced by Russian propaganda and dishonest right-wing media, rather than heeding the warnings of those who knew Trump best.

Now, Trump is doubling down on his lies, rewriting history and promising to pardon those who violently stormed our Capitol (MAGA folks, white-supremacists, anti-government militants, all whom he calls “patriots”). Five died, 140 Capitol Police maimed, cries to hang VP Pence — all in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. Patriots? Never!

Pardoning these insurrectionists would be an abomination — a slap in the face to brave Capitol Police. Be alert!  Demand truth!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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