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Thanks, Schweikert, for voting yes on the budget


In the early morning hours of Dec. 21, Congress passed a bill to continue funding our country for three more months. President-elect Donald Trump and president-not-elect Elon Musk attempted to sabotage the bill in the House of Representatives because they wanted – among other things – to shut our country down while President Joe Biden was still in office and thus to have him take the blame.

It should be noted, and questioned, that since both are still private citizens, why should the elected representatives care what they say or want? It can only be: Perverse Fealty Trump Syndrome (PFTS) – not yet acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (APA) but perhaps soon. Anyhow, we in District 1 should be hopeful because our representative, David Schweikert (R), may be immune. This is based on his yes vote for the continuation of the funding bill. I suggest that citizens contact him: (202) 225-2190 and/or (480) 946-2411 (his website email did not go through for me) to thank him for his vote and to encourage him to be cognizant of PFTS in the upcoming four years. Though time will tell.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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