I've lived in Surprise since 2002, and have seen it double in size during that time.”
Jason Stone, Surprise Independent News Editor
Email the Editor
Jason Stone can be reached at jstone@newszap.com.
The Surprise Independent covers the far Northwest Valley city of Surprise known for its recreational activities from children to active retirees. More than 134,000 people call Surprise home since 2010, and it continues to grow with its myriad of new homebuilders throughout the city.
MLB teams the Texas Rangers and the Kansas City Royals call Surprise home during spring training season. The Surprise Recreation Campus also hosts community events such as free family movie nights, Fourth of July fireworks, a Veterans Day Parade, the Surprise Party and a plethora of recreational activities, including Cal Ripken youth baseball league. The Surprise Tennis and Racquet Complex hosts world class tournaments that often attract tennis legends from around the world. The city boasts eight golf courses, two aquatic centers and DreamCatcher Park, for those with special needs.
In 2016, the Surprise Today merged with the Surprise Independent, which established in 1996, delivering a combined weekly circulation of 29,000. The free Wednesday newspaper focuses on schools, neighborhoods, city government and public safety issues.
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