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Peoria police: Woman dies after shooting at apartment, suspect in hospital
By Chris Caraveo
Photo courtesy Peoria PD
Independent Newsmedia
A woman died Friday evening as a result of a shooting at an apartment complex in Peoria, according to a news release.
The Peoria Police Department identified the woman as 49-year-old Tammy Mattison.
The Peoria Police and Peoria Fire-Medical departments responded to a shooting March 17 at about 3:45 p.m. near 8802 W. Peoria Ave.
Officer Brandon Sheffert told reporters a young 12-year-old girl found her mother inside their apartment unit with a gunshot wound to the head.
The girl called police after finding her mother the ground. A release stated the girl's father may have been the suspect and fled the unit to his own because of the couple's recent relationship issues.
Police followed the 53-year-old man to his apartment unit in the same complex, where he apparently shot and injured himself, according to Officer Sheffert.
Both the child's mother and the suspect were taken to the hospital. Officer Sheffert said the woman died at the hospital while the father is in life-threatening condition.
On Monday March 20, Officer Brandon Sheffert stated officers have not made contact with the suspect. He is still in critical condition, and he will face charges if and/or when he is released.