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Martin: Many factors to be considered regarding airport in Peoria


I’m writing in response to the article, “Airpark feasibility study dissected.”

Although this study seems to make it sound like this airport project is the going to be a money machine for the city of Peoria there are other factors to be considered. Water or lack there of being one of them. Air and noise pollution are other factors.

But the most important consideration in my opinion is there are thousands of Peoria citizens that are against this airport and no one seems to be listening to us! I would suggest that in fairness your newspaper should be investigating/interviewing citizens about how we feel about an airport and publishing it.

Ask yourself one question, why is our mayor making campaign contributions to certain people if not to insure he has yes men in place to get this pushed through? Yes, this can be pushed through with just a majority out of seven members of our council. This whole process is wrong! Many thousands of us feel like we have no voice.

I am respectfully asking you or your newspaper to tell both sides of this story! Give the citizens of Peoria a voice!

Peoria, Arizona, airport, airpark, pollution, noise