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I am anchor
Letter to the editor: Rants do not solve our problems
By Rich Bolas
In response to the letter “Judges order was bogus” (Feb. 16, Daily News-Sun) by Bill Tennant:
Your statement regarding the Supreme Court is not correct.
Judges in any court have to uphold Constitional law.
Are you a constitutional lawyer?
In some situations, yes the president can kick people out of this country as Obama did with the Russian ambassadors for tampering with our election.
No one contested that order.
Do you have proof that every single Muslim person in the world is a danger to our country?
Who do you think you are calling a judge Mickey Mouse, idiotic and bogus?
Not only only are you disrespecting the judge, but every decent Muslim in our country.
This rant of yours seems to be filled with hate and bias, and with no real intelligent thoughts.
Rants do not solve our country’s problems, that should be done with careful consideration of the truth, upholding the laws of the Constitution and the morality of the tenets our country stands for. Do you really think a president could pardon himself if convicted of a crime?
That comment made me laugh so hard, I fell out of my chair!
You certainly do not represent the majority of decent, moral and respectful Americans in this country.