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I am anchor
Letter to the editor: I'll take all I can get
By Rich Bolas
Mormons continue to baptize not only the living but the dead as well.
Yes, ceremonial baptisms of a believer’s dead ancestors are encouraged in the Mormon Church. No lie. Have no fear though they don’t expect you to bring the ashes or the actual remains of great grandpa to a Mormon tabernacle near you to complete this rite. Proxy baptisms are allowed, thank goodness!
A Mormon leader said, “God wants all His children home again, in families and in glory.”
However, it seems, these baptisms of the dead in abstentia offend members of other religions, especially Jews.
Jews became upset years ago when they discovered attempts by Mormons to do this to victims of the Holocaust.
Some Jews apparently felt these Mormons not only were baptizing those victims but were altering their religion as well in the process.
Now Jews have many enemies and many real problems to deal with, unfortunately, but I do not think this is one that should keep them up nights.
Personally, I’ll take all the baptisms I can get.