The updating/modernization of Sun City is and has been an ongoing process throughout its existence.
Modernization does not necessarily mean a climbing wall or virtual reality rooms (which will not happen in the near or close distant future). Modernization means updating to meet the needs of the population.
There was a time when there were no pickleball courts, that changed with the needs of the community. Since the majority determines the needs, and the majority comes from a different era, the culture of the community will change.
I understand the hesitation of the people who have lived here for a while and like things as they currently are, but it is also silly to think Sun City is stagnant. Look at the roots, what was, what is no longer and what has been added. Thank goodness for some of the newer additions. Pickleball keeps people active, competitive and mentally stimulated. That is a wonderful thing.
The community will decide what is next to come. Let us not be known as the Sun City curmudgeons.
Editor’s Note: We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments, pro or con, on this issue. Email