A lot have been written about both organizations, most of it wrong. Let’s start with the Oath Keepers. If you believe the media, they are a “right-wing, white supremacist, anti-government militia.” If you listen to the Southern Poverty Law Center, they are all of the above plus they are a hate group.
If you really want the truth, do your own research. The Southern Poverty Law Center is itself a “hate group” in that they hate anything conservative, so I would rule them out as a source of accurate information and most of the media as well, print or broadcast.
The Oath Keepers is an association of like-minded people who, at some point in their life, took an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. Veterans, police officers, active-duty military are what makes up their membership. They are not a militia. They are not white supremacist. Their membership is made up of all races. They are not anti-government. Their message is that there is no expiration date on their oath. That they will always honor it. They expect the same from government officials, both appointed and elected.
Does that sound sinister to anyone? Is that the reason for the media and their own government to slander and libel them? Has standing up for the Constitution now become un-American? I suggest, that if one has any doubts about who and what the Oath Keepers are, that you visit their web page and read their bylaws. Read what they stand for yourself. It’s obvious that the media as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center has not done so.
As a veteran myself, I, too, am an Oath Keeper. I love my country and the oath I took many years ago will only expire when I do. Don’t believe the lies being told by the media. They have an agenda and if the lies benefit that agenda, so be it. Find the truth for yourself. You will find it quite different from what you are being told.
Now let’s take a look at the Three Percenters. The name is based mostly on the idea that only 3% of the colonists supported the revolution. That 3% of the colonists were responsible for overthrowing the British Crown and defeating what at that time was the most powerful military force in the world.
If the facts were known, more than likely that number is far from accurate. But that’s not important because in today’s world the term “Three Percenter “ has nothing to do with quantity of persons available to take on an opposing force. The Three Percenter is an individual who has stated that he will take up arms, if required, to uphold and protect our Constitution. That, I would argue, is the duty of any American patriot. The Constitution is the law of the land so how can defending it be called subversive or anti-American?
According to the Anti Defamation League, the Three Percenters are anti-government extremists. Not true. They, like the Oath Keepers, only demand that the government operate within the confines of the Constitution as written. That our Constitutional Republic be preserved at all cost. That it remains a government of the people for the people. Does that sound extreme? Does that sound like it’s an un-American anti-government movement?
Some think that the mere idea of taking up arms against the government, for any reason, is an act of treason. To those who do, I would suggest they read the Declaration of Independence. One has only to look at the events of the day to understand why we need the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. They remind us that we the people are supposed to be in charge. That the government’s job is to protect our rights, not attempt to alter them. That power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters have instilled fear in many in our government, and well it should. There is an ongoing unconstitutional assault being carried out against our rights. The First and Second Amendments are under attack on a daily basis. They want to remove our ability to receive or communicate accurate information.
We have witnessed that just recently with social media like Facebook, Twitter and others. The Second Amendment is under attack as well. A multitude of bills promoting unconstitutional gun control legislation have been submitted. They know what the Second Amendment is all about. They want it gone!
Instead of demonizing the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, we should be thankful that we still have people who love their country and are willing to stand up for what is good and what is right, even in the face of lies and attack from their own government. I’m old enough to remember some of what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and I’m seeing it resurfacing here. Only Instead of persecuting Jews, they persecute anyone who questions them or has an opposing viewpoint.
It’s time to wake up America. Time to fight back.
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