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Harmon: Club touts benefits of yoga


Members of the Sun City West Yoga Club know the benefits of regular yoga practice, but recent research led by Harvard scientists revealed a connection between the practice of yoga by seniors and improvement in two markers of frailty: walking speed and the ability to get up from a chair. The results of the study were published in the March 14, 2023, issue of “Annals of Internal Medicine.”

The Harvard research supports the findings of a previous study demonstrating that yoga was beneficial to both mobility and physical health in seniors, but also to neurological and mental health. The regular practice of yoga increases strength, flexibility, balance, and breathing, while easing anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Yoga can easily be added to a senior’s physical activity regimen. With modifications to poses with props such as blocks, straps, blankets and chairs or other supports, accommodations can be made for a wide range of physical limitations, while providing the benefits of yoga. Attending yoga classes also offers a social outlet and camaraderie so essential for the well-being of seniors.

The Sun City West Yoga Club offers yoga instruction of various types and levels taught by experienced, certified yoga instructors. Our instructors can help customize your practice to meet your needs. Visit the club’s website at SCWyoga.com for further information, course descriptions and the current schedule. Please join the more than 500 Sun City West yoga practitioners, many in their 80s, who are reaping the rewards the practice of yoga provides.