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Green: Wants to help the needy in Sun City


I am wondering why food bank users are not being required to show eligibility for free food.

As I understand it, the purpose of a food bank is to address food insecurities in our country. Why are so many well-to-do Americans receiving it? I understand grocery stores are supplying food to the centers and many generous Americans are donating food and dollars to stock the shelves.

I’ve also been told by food bank volunteers that some of the food banks waste the food that is not given away. This is a shameful practice.

If the grocery stores would not over purchase by such alarming quantity, couldn’t the prices be lower in the stores for the rest of the country that are purchasing food? Can’t the food banks find a better purpose for excess food instead of throwing it away?

I feel this is a system that needs to be fixed. I want to help the needy, not the greedy American.

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