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Gibson: Reader applauds Daily Independent staff on Nov. 7 edition


I want to commend the Daily Independent  for your Nov. 7 issue!

The article “Trump wins the White House in a political comeback rooted in appeals to frustrated voters” is right on target and I agree completely!

I voted for Trump in 2016 and against Hillary although I had concerns about his qualifications and personal characteristics!

He convinced me during his presidency that I was right and vowed to never again support or vote for him! In my opinion, he has no ethics no redeeming qualities and is the least qualified person I know to serve us as president, the most important office in our country, the greatest on the planet.

Also in my humble opinion as a 35-year military veteran, he is dangerous as the commander in chief! I have maintained my  position and have worked hard to defeat him!

I foresaw and was, concerned about his re-election!  We should hope and pray that much of what he said and did recently was just Trump being Trump and only campaign rhetoric!

Kamala Harris’s rapid concession and congratulations to Trump is in stark contrast to Trumps attempts to overthrow the 2000 election, Jan. 6 and promotion of his Big Lie conspiracy! Very classy on her part!

That being said, the article I referenced above is completely correct and I am in agreement, as a conservative independent, former Republican that the Democratic Party has drifted too far left! Trump’s sweeping victory validates that! The oft-seen bumper sticker,  “We the people are pissed,” illustrates this very succinctly!

We will have to wait and see if Trump’s vow to bring us together is sincere and that he is not truly just in the Elon Musk and billionaires camp, self-serving, and if he can honorably serve as our president.

There also three other must-read articles in the Nov. 7 edition: the Opinion pieces concerning DIDMCA, Federal policy alone won’t solve the caregiver crisis, and water quality!

Good work, staff!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

Trump, Kamala Harris, election, Republican, Democratic Party