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Changes made in RCSC senior management
By Rusty Bradshaw
By Rusty Bradshaw Independent Newsmedia
Recreation Centers of Sun City officials are preparing to make changes with the senior management team.
Chris Herring, RCSC Support and Services director, will soon be promoted to assistant general manager and Jim Wellman, the current assistant general manager, will continue to serve as building and infrastructuire manager, according to Joelyn Higgins, RCSC marketing and communications coordinator. No firm date is set for the moves, she added.
Jan Ek, left, RCSC general manager, presents Jim Wellman, RCSC assistant general manager, with a certificate of appreciation last year. Mr. Wellman asked to not have the AGM title but will continue to do the same job with the corporation. Chris Herring will be promoted to the assistant GM position.
“Jim Wellman is not retiring. However, he has asked to be removed from the senior management position of assistant general manager,” Ms. Higgins stated in an email Feb. 13. “With that said, he will continue to do much of what he has been doing as the new building and infrastructure manager. He will continue to oversee the Skilled Trades team and all building repairs and infrastructure projects.”
The planned moves came to the forefront during the Feb. 13 member/director exchange meeting when a resident asked about the hiring of a new executive director.
Ms. Higgins stated the position now held by Mr. Herring will not be refilled.
The planned promotion is one in a number of moves by RCSC officials to assure a smooth transition when senior management members retire. The RCSC board in 2015 asked the management team to prepare a written succession plan for the entire RCSC organization, according to Ms. Higgins. Senior management began assessing potential replacement plans.
While Mr. Wellman has held the position of assistant general manager for 10 years, his and General Manager Jan Ek’s responsibilities and duties were much more divided than shared, according to Ms. Higgins. In addition, it was discovered Mr. Wellman and Ms. Ek, along with many others in the organization, could potentially retire within a relatively short period of time from one another.
“It is vital therefore, that the years of experience and knowledge of RCSC get passed on,” Ms. Higgins stated.
Ms. Ek has no imminent plans to retire, she added.
“When asked she says she hopes to retire in about five years or so,” Ms. Higgins stated. “(But) the RCSC Board of Directors felt it was vital to RCSC’s ongoing success to place someone in the assistant general manager position that will be willing and able to replace Jan when that time comes.”
Mr. Herring has been an integral part of RCSC’s operations for the past 10 years and will continue that contribution as he obtains his national certifications for community management, similar to Ms. Ek’s.
Ms. Higgins said the transition started months ago and all RCSC staff were made aware after the first of the year that it is forthcoming.
“It has not officially occurred yet,” Ms. Higgins stated. “There is not a set date. However, it will be completed soon within the next few weeks.”