Card: Sun City West recall group deserves 'no' vote
By Carol Card | Sun City West
I understand the recall committee’s objective to having the recall election now. Even though Sun City West owner/members will be subjected to an additional $7,000 plus costs for this election, the recall committee feels this is justified and called this amount a mere “pittance.” Why not simply wait for the election already scheduled for the spring of 2024?
Could it be that they want to get their own people on the governing board now and then get even more of their people on the board in the spring? With a majority vote, they could then dismiss the general manager, which is one of their stated goals, as well as reversing recent rulings made by the governing board that have impacted the particular clubs that they belong to. Rulings that were made in fairness to all the Chartered Clubs of Sun City West.
The three governing board members who are now subject to recall are all intelligent, hard-working and honest men. They consistently come to meetings thoroughly prepared, they publicly share their thoughts and concerns on an issue, and they vote how they feel is in the best interests of this community. Sometimes hard decisions must be made. All three of these men have had stellar careers and brought that valuable experience to our community. They generously give of their time and themselves to keep Sun City West rated as one of the premier retirement communities in the nation. The ridicule these men have quietly endured is shameful.
The constant comparison of Sun City West to Sun City has no basis in fact. There certainly are some very nice pockets in Sun City, but they also have their fair share of not so nice areas. It is not a fair comparison. The community is in deep financial trouble. This is not conjecture, this is fact. Look at Sun City’s Governing Board meeting on Oct. 26, 2023. They do not have the funds to cover the costs of a very large maintenance and capital spending backlog. An admission of underspending and neglect means increasing their dues for years to come. Their staff turnover rate is 47%. This does not resemble the highly touted community that the recall committee thinks has prudent spending and good management.
Come to committee and governing board meetings or watch on YouTube. All Sun City West residents are welcome to attend any meeting or watch from home at your leisure. Educate yourself on how the checks and balances within our community work. Explore the budget process and learn the difference between an expense that is approved or not by the governing board and an operations expense. You will be amazed to learn that yes, it does take a village, and a mighty fine village we have here in Sun City West.
Vote “no” on the recall.