Hear-ye, Hear-ye, Hear-ye!
Donald Trump, in the role of a long-awaited political messiah who will turn our country around, “making it great again,” was questionably the personality I envisioned when stumping for a third political option deemed necessary to accept that challenge. He simply was not my vision of a leader the preponderance of rational American voters — referred to as political Independents — envisioned.
What was that vision? It was of a leader with recognized moral authority, a utilitarian political mind-set and an understanding that the current ideological extremism was incapable of doing the job. And the goal? To produce the greatest good for the greatest number. One who recognized that a normally structured bell-shaped curve of the results of government represented a “balanced” and mostly harmonious society.
Balance? What is this? Balance, per se, is not a new concept. However, in the sense used here, a rightful balance is somewhat different from its usual connotation (of equilibrium). It is akin to the description of what emerged in the final plan of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, an appropriate distribution, or balance of interests, even if not necessarily perfect or perfectly equal. Any complex society needs a high degree of balance if it is to be healthy, happy, prosperous, respectful, just and secure. As applicable in most societies a necessary and rightful balance is defined as follows:
A rightful balance exists when all parties involved recognize and carry-out their responsibilities to the system that supports their way of life — their existence, in effect.
In our country, that system revolves around a democratic form of government and a mixed-market capitalistic form of private enterprise. The main protagonists in our society today are the private capitalistic sector (business, in the broadest sense) and government.
Only business and government? What about us, the People? Just where do we fit in here? As you would expect, very prominently. After all, in the end, it’s all about us. And of course, it’s people who fill the roles both in and behind (private) business and (public) government. But it’s more than just that.
While it may sound a bit like Government 101, the voting public is ultimately the key to the success of the system. We can make it or break it. While this is not always clearly evident, it is the truth. Ultimately, we have the power. Where? At the ballot box, of course.
Ultimately, that’s where the real power lies in a true (functioning) political democracy and that’s the reason, the sole reason, that protecting the effectiveness of the ballot box is so vital. So, with this explanation of the peoples’ role, let’s refine our definition of rightful balance a bit more precisely:
In our country, balance exists when (1) the private capitalistic economic sector (the wealthy and propertied) feels it is able to pursue its aims with a minimum amount of outside interference; (2) when government, in its role as representative of all the people (the popular democracy), feels that the results of capitalism, in the broadest sense, are distributed equitably enough among the people and (3) the people, through their voice at the ballot box, concur with the government’s assessment. When all this happens, America is a healthy, happy, just and prosperous nation. America is in an acceptable necessary and rightful balance!
This sounds nice, but is such equilibrium, such a balance of interests, ever reached and sustained for any period of time? Probably not. But that’s not the key issue. It’s the goal, the better tomorrow we strive for. And as long as this balance is generally perceived as acceptable for the moment and that we as a country are moving in the right direction — which is toward it — most of us are inclined to go with the flow and continue working towards this perfect if unreachable goal.
Largely because of self-interest. Because we’ve been led to believe that in so doing we stand to see our own personal social and economic fortunes improve and our country prosper. Prosperity we should all be entitled to share — some more than others, certainly, but generally enough to go around.
And this brings us back around to “The Donald’s” election.
The election of Donald Trump clearly demonstrated the need (desire by a majority) for improved balance, i.e., change (understood as correction in the direction government has increasingly been taking America). As the pendulum favoring capitalism in the late 1920s had swung to excess, America in 2024 decreed that progressivism since that time has now also largely run its expansive and expensive course.
A rebalance of government is wanted by a preponderance of we the people. A proper bell-shaped distribution curve of the overall results of government should be the objective and this necessitates rethinking government and government’s emphasis in our republican society. As this all starts with political activity (among the players) challenging the status quo, it will not be either an easy or quickly accomplished objective. “Four more years” may not be enough time to accomplish it. Most probably not. But it may be a start.
I say it may be. The question is still open in the minds of some: Is “The Donald” the messiah who can (and, more importantly, will) do it? Does he possess the requisite moral authority (It all starts at the top)? Does he have the necessary mind-set, and is he free of ideological extremes? Will he strive to MAGA for the benefit of all, or has he simply worked hard for and gotten our vote for the benefit of a more personal political agenda?
Some remain skeptical. But for now, he is the man of the hour, and he at least merits the benefit of doubt. He has, so far, earned this.
Maybe, just maybe, he will turn out to have been “Godot” after all. Wouldn’t that be nice!
Editor’s note: TR Harry is the pen name of a Scottsdale-based author who writes primarily about politics and religion on his blog. Please send your comments to AzOpinions@iniusa.org. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of reader opinions, as long as they meet our Civility Guidelines.
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