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Keyword: defunding

State lawmaker pushes legislation to bar cities from …

PHOENIX — Saying he wants to short-circuit “defund the police” movements here, a first-term state lawmaker is pushing legislation designed to bar cities from cutting public safety funding.

Illinois among states Chandler Police targeting for …

One might think if Arizona first-responder agencies want to recruit out-of-state, looking to neighboring states would make sense. That’s why the Chandler Police Department is targeting …

Proposal would require ever-increasing police funding

PHOENIX — A House panel voted Monday to ask voters to bar cities from cutting funding for police and sheriffs or risk losing state aid. Rep. Walt Blackman, R-Snowflake, said the move is …

Fire chief & captain: Defund our Police? We say defend …

Firefighters are built for caring and coming to the aid of those who are in need. It’s in our DNA. Sadly, our preeminent partners in public safety, our law enforcement brothers and sisters, are in need of meaningful support these days.

Brown: Defund the police or redirect resources?

Today, probably anyone with an interest in a law enforcement career has not only fired a gun, but has spent countless hours playing video games involving gun violence.