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Keyword: recipes

Layers are for salad, too

Bring on the layers when it’s cold outside. And before you reach for your fleece or parka, let’s be perfectly clear: We’re talking about salads. That’s right, salads have a …

A keeper for holiday dessert trays

The holiday season is a time when families across the globe look forward to the traditions they’ve passed down from generation to generation. Holiday baking is one such tradition in many …

Let cheese take center stage during the holidays

The holidays can be stressful, so take the pressure down a notch and feed and entertain with a decorative cheese platter. Cheese is a perfect accompaniment to cocktails, an inviting appetizer or, …

Getting to know tomatillos

For a long time, I steered clear of tomatillos -- not because of an aversion, but I simply didn’t know what do with them. Well, I am here to tell you that these little tomato-esque …


Sometimes, all we need is soup. It’s not a cure-all, but sometimes it’s just right. A pot of soup feeds a family; it warms and nourishes, and fills our kitchen with delicious aromas. …

Warm up with a rich, chocolate beverage

Nothing beats sipping a hot, soothing beverage after a day of choosing the perfect Christmas tree or lobbing snowballs in the backyard. Teas, hot toddies, coffees, and mulled ciders certainly can fit …

Falling for merguez

If it’s possible to express sentiment over a sausage, then the merguez would be considered my first true love. I had my first taste of this North African sausage when I lived in Paris. It was …

Add layers to your fall menu

The cooler season begs for layers — and not just when it comes to clothing. Behold the lasagna. This hefty casserole is layered with three cheeses, a meaty tomato sauce and — wait for it …

When salsa is the party

This bright and festive starter is part-salsa, part-ceviche. It’s not meant to be a simple dab to complete a chip, but rather a command to attention with a jumble of shrimp awarded star billing …

Drive Thru Fair Food open for another weekend in …

Officials at the Arizona State Fair announced that due to overwhelming demand, they're continuing Drive Thru Fair Food for one final weekend, beginning on Thursday.

A crisp for all seasons

It’s fall, and in my book, that means it’s time for apple crisp. When it comes to a good recipe, I follow the popular adage: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. This recipe is …

Hearty chili for autumn days

People choose to adhere to a vegetarian or vegan diet for various reasons. Some people avoid animal products because of ethics, while others want to control their weight with low-calorie foods. Still …