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Keyword: Health

Sun Health offers class for ‘friends’ of those …

Sun Health will host the free class “How to be a Friend to My Friend with Dementia,” 10-11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 22 at La Loma Health & Rehab, 14260 S. Denny Blvd., Litchfield Park.

Plan would allow over 200 retailers to sell …

PHOENIX — Arizonans who want to use marijuana recreationally would get a lot of places to buy it under a plan unveiled Wednesday that sponsors hope voters will approve. The legislation …

CDC: Maricopa County has high HIV infection rate

Maricopa County is one of 50 counties identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having a high infection rate. These counties account for more than ½ of all HIV infections in the U.S.

Arizona officials seek protection for residents with …

PHOENIX — Two Republican legislators and Attorney General Mark Brnovich are taking the first steps to craft legislation to ensure that Arizonans with preexisting conditions can still buy health …

Arizona medical marijuana program goes digital with ID …

PHOENIX — Arizona’s medical marijuana program is going high tech. Sort of. Beginning Dec. 1, the state will stop issuing actual cards to those who are authorized to buy the drug, …

Judge asks whether Arizona prison health care deal …

PHOENIX (AP) — A federal judge who has criticized Arizona's persistent noncompliance with a settlement requiring improvements to health care for prisoners has ordered lawyers for the state and inmates to decide whether they want to throw out the 5-year-old deal and instead bring the case to trial.

Upcoming class provides communicating tips for …

Communicating with a loved one or friend who has Alzheimer’s or another form dementia can be challenging, both for the person with dementia as well as for someone trying to communicate with …

To vax or not to vax?

Flu season is here, and with it comes the reminders to get vaccinated and the drives to the pharmacy to get that shot. Officials are also estimating a bad flu season ahead for the nation. But some …

Report: Arizona agency slow to investigate neglect, …

PHOENIX — State health officials are slow at investigating reports of abuse and neglect at long-term care facilities, to the point where residents may …

Helping those we love: Family, caregivers key to …

In a county ranked among the fastest growing nationally with a fast-growing elderly population, the incidence of Alzheimer’s and other memory loss conditions …

Three cases of vaping-related illness reported in …

The Arizona Department of Health Services announced that three cases of vaping-related respiratory illness have been identified in the state, part of a national outbreak. All of the cases are in …

Tiny terrors: Arizona’s mosquitoes and how to avoid …

By Tim Royan Cronkite News Monsoon storms, haboobs, scorching temperatures: Let’s face it, summer in Arizona comes with some big hazards. So it could be easy to forget one of the tiniest …