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Pace: I support families, public service


My opponent’s spouse recently wrote an article alleging that I considered that if elected officials have families, it disqualifies them for service to the town. Of course I do not hold any such views. I cherish families, friends and including my grandchildren.

I trust that residents of Paradise Valley are sophisticated enough to know that such allegations are simply an attempted personal smear and distraction from the real issues.

I do not categorize or disparage people based on family status or other characteristics. I am an employment lawyer for businesses and I regularly provide training to prevent discrimination and to promote respect at work. I have made an anti-discrimination video that won a national Telly Award.

As I have written, advocated and practiced as an elected official and a 30-year lawyer for companies, I have been recruiting and mentoring to expand the people who become involved in our community. I want to create PV leadership program.

We all need to pay it forward for the next generations and to support experienced and committed people to preserve our community.

For example, I support Christine LaBelle for town council and she has twin daughters and a very full life. But she is stepping up to serve because she has seen the need and wants to protect our town. I’m supporting another woman to run for office who has triplets. The allegations in the article just don’t add up.

Let’s get back to focusing on the merits of issues that affect our town and its future.

This election is critical and our town is at a tipping point regarding its character. We have up to six potential resort development projects and attacks on one-house-per acre zoning.

I am the right person to serve as mayor at this time to fight for the quality of life for residential living and responsible resort development. Please vote for Julie Pace for Mayor by Aug. 2. See my 8-point plan at paceforpv.com.