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The health care sector stands at a critical crossroads. With the growing demand for health care workers, industry leaders face an urgent challenge: building a sustainable workforce pipeline to meet … more
As a dentist who focuses on pediatrics, I see firsthand the impact of good oral health on children’s overall well-being. During National Children’s Dental Health Month this February, … more
Have you ever been stuck behind a slow-moving car in the left lane, unable to pass? If so, you know how frustrating — and dangerous — it can be. HB 2235 , a proposed modification to … more
As we celebrate Career and Technical Education Month this February, we recognize this game-changer for America’s future. This annual observance highlights the value of CTE programs in our K-12 … more
I read Sharon Hettick’s opinion, West Valley transit needs to prioritize safety, affordability, access , and I completely agree! I take public transportation now, and the buses stop … more
I’m not sure if this complaint is strictly for us senior citizens or not. It seems like manufacturers and other services are making it difficult for the older generation. I recently … more

According to the United States National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 50 million Americans suffer from substance use disorder, yet only one in four receive treatment. Lost in this … more
Since the Nazi concentration camps were liberated in 1945, correlational events have taken place, including acts against humanity, terrorism, human rights violations and other genocides witnessed … more
As a leader of public charter schools, I’m often asked by parents and community members, “What can I do to help?” Like every other school, volunteers are always needed and … more
Each year Arizonans have a choice when it comes to their taxes. Not just who will file them or when, but even where those tax dollars will go — and it costs you nothing. This is all made … more
First responders are facing challenges unlike anything they’ve encountered before. After battling the month-long Horton Fire near Payson, a 78-member crew of Arizona firefighters was among the … more
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the citizens who took the time to voice their concerns regarding the future of the Velma Teague Library. Your dedication to our community and the … more
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