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Maricopa County Supervisors could approve 198-unit rental project


PEORIA — A plan that would help chip away at the rental housing shortage in the West Valley is on the consent agenda for today’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors meeting.

Andy Jochums of Hancock Communities is requesting a zone change from C-S CUPD to R-3 RUPD to build a 198-unit rental development on about 18 acres known as “Vistancia West.”

The two infill parcels are on a county island, near the Peoria city limits, on the northeast corner of West Happy Valley Road and North El Mirage Road. The area is located just west of the Coldwater Ranch development, the parcels are west of State Route 303 exit for Vistancia Boulevard and east of Dysart Road.

The density will be about 11 duplex units per acre.

The project was approved by the Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission by a 9-0 vote, with a list of conditions. The developer is requesting 20-foot rear setbacks, rather than the 25-foot minimum that is standard for county CUPD zoning.

“The expectation is to develop the subject site as a multi-family community with various types of dwelling unit configurations,” a staff report reads. “The future development would also have two separate points of access to each of the adjacent arterial roadways.”

The units will all be single-story and will be less than 20 feet in height, the report states. The front yards will be 20 feet minimum, with five-foot side yards and 10-foot street-side setbacks. Lots will be 60 feet wide and a minimum of 6,000 square feet each.

The property is located within the White Tank/Grand Avenue Area Plan and is part of the Peoria Municipal Planning Area, the staff report states.

Water and wastewater service will be provided by EPCOR.

Also on today’s agenda is approval of a request for proposal for county COVID-19 testing services. That’s funded by an epidemiology and laboratory capacity grant, or ELC, through the CDC.

Maricopa County, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Clint Hickman, Steve Gallardo, development, county island, affordable housing

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