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Van Luven: Survive the summer, stay active through the heat

Yes, we all know it’s painfully hot during the Arizona summers. And we all know it’s important to drink plenty of water to help us stay hydrated. But did you know water can be …

Shiffler: Four ways to keep your kids safe from the summer heat

The high heat of the Arizona summer is right around the corner. With temperatures quickly reaching into the triple digits, it is important to keep your kids safe as they play outdoors. Let’s …

Overson: Practical steps to improve roofer safety this year

Roofing work is an essential service for residential and commercial property owners across the Valley. Someone’s home or office literally cannot function without a roof over it. The high demand …

Boyle: Remarks on Mesa police SWAT anniversary

Many years ago, I was a detective with the Mesa Police Department working sex crimes cases. It was tough but important work, a daily test of our resolve to pursue justice for victims of violence and …

Ranous: Medicare shouldn’t be a source of stress

I am your dedicated Medicare insurance broker, passionate about empowering seniors to navigate the complex world of health care with confidence and clarity. With a background in education, I bring a …

Stalter: Best ways to cook American wagyu beef

American wagyu is becoming known around the world as one of the top styles of beef. Due to its amazing marbling of fat, tenderness and unique flavor American wagyu beef is demanded by chefs all over …

Caradonna: Security companies much properly destroy, recycle hard drives

Properly disposing of important documents and electronics is an important security step for any business. Firms request the services of document shredding companies regularly and companies that do …

Lockwood: 4 Tips to Keep Your Family Safe During Fire Emergencies

Fires often occur when you least expect them. Ensuring your family’s safety must always be a top priority. Taking the right steps can reduce safety risks during fire emergencies in the home and …

Jackson: Benefits of physical therapy when overcoming opioid abuse

In the journey to overcoming opioid abuse, many treatment facilities often prioritize addressing the mental aspects of addiction. However, incorporating physical therapy proves to be an invaluable …

Fischbeck: Keeping your home safe on a budget

Security concerns are always at the top of mind for homeowners. Whether you are wanting to protect your packages from porch pirates or protecting your family from intruders you can install a security …
Take the Civility Pledge

Civility Checklist

How to engage in respectful, honest & civil dialogue about public issues.

Checkmark Take the high road.  Respond to the topic — not the person. Refrain from demonizing others for their opinions. Assume those you disagree with are, like you, genuinely interested in improving the community.

Checkmark Be respectful. Bullying, public humiliation, insults, name-calling, harassment, and threats directed at another person — or that person's race, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. — have no place in civil discussions. Find ways to respectfully disagree without questioning someone's character or motives.

Checkmark Be truthful. Base your opinions/arguments on facts. Value honesty. Make only accurate statements when making your point and avoid exaggeration and stereotypes. When appropriate, cite your sources of information that others may question. 

Checkmark Don't misrepresent. Always identify your opinions as opinions (not stating opinions as facts). Never misrepresent the views of others or falsely claim your opinions represent someone else. If quoting the words of others, identify and credit the source.

Checkmark Listen  & learn. It's both polite and respectful to listen to those we disagree with (as well as those we support) and be genuine in our attempts to understand their point of view. Expand your mind by thoughtfully seeking out views that don't agree with your own.

CheckmarkLook for common ground. When disagreeing with others, look for even small areas of agreement — which can be the gateway to working together for the greater good.

Checkmark Respect privacy. Keep private things private — whether it involves your own information or those with whom you disagree. Revealing private information about someone else is rude, unethical, potentially harmful and, in many cases, illegal.

Checkmark Set a good example. Practice civil behavior online as well as in public and in your interaction with others. Encourage others to practice these civil behaviors. And it's OK to challenge disrespectful behavior — but be courteous, respectful and helpful in your approach.

Now that you've read the checklist, take the Civility Pledge. 

Your Community Your Voice
Gina Van Luven

Van Luven: May flowers bring sinus powers

It’s that time of year again where your sinuses may realize everything is in bloom. Allergies are the body’s reaction to a foreign protein it sees as an enemy. The result is your …

Everything you wanted to know about the World Series … but were afraid to ask

Imagine you’re at an outdoor dinner party (yes, COVID-friendly). It’s October, and the conversation steers towards the World Series. While you are generally culturally literate, you know …

Christensen: Health literacy more important than ever for Arizonans in ongoing COVID-19 crisis

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted millions across the country, and Arizona has not been spared. This virus and its resulting economic fallout have put a harsh spotlight on rising health care …
Latest regional, state and national issues

Hover: On the topics of peace and unity

Why is peace and unity so difficult to achieve, not only in world events, but in our own personal lives? Why have so few achieved these two healthy and constructive aspects in their lives? While …

Backer: Defending the former president

Let me start out quoting a banner I recently came across “Mean Tweets-World Peace.” I think this captures my view of President Trump. He tells it like it is (mean to some) and …
Brenda Kalivianakis. (Submitted photo)

Kalivianakis: The impact of PACs on government

Are political action committees (PACs) good for small towns? PACs are backed by special interest money and make deals to influence elected officials and candidates for elected office. The result is …
Michele Steeb

Steeb: Humans, not housing, first

In 2013, the federal government institutionalized Housing First — the provision of permanently subsidized housing — as the nation’s exclusive approach to homelessness.

Resident opposed to airport in Peoria

I definitely am opposed to this proposed new airport in Peoria.

Speak Up: Former Gov. Ducey on witness list in Arizona AG’s fake electors case

Four years ago, Gov. Doug Ducey ignored a call from Donald Trump. Trump was trying to stay in office as president even though he lost the election. Ducey was certifying the results of the election in Arizona that was won by Joe Biden. Now, Attorney General Kris Mayes is going to use the former governor as part of her attempt to put some of Trump's associates, attorneys and political supporters behind bars.

Curtis: Vote for medical funding

Much higher spending levels for biomedical research are clearly needed.
Ben Olinsky

Point: The legitimacy of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance

During John Roberts’ confirmation hearing as chief justice in 2005, he claimed that the “primary check on the courts has always been judicial self-restraint.” Sen. Sam Brownback, …
May Mailman

Counterpoint: Calls for ‘ethics reform’ are disingenuous and dangerous

Americans deserve a government dedicated to America’s best interests, not the highest bidder.

Mynars: Seeing history repeat itself

With the heat of the summer upon us, I suspect many of you are spending your afternoons inside watching TV. But is it a good expenditure of your time? To me, “good TV” is an oxymoron, but …

Goncalves: Biden should pay for flights

The Biden administration is so worried about climate change and promises to cut carbon pollution in half. They have put in so many regulations which are hurting people and businesses. So... I …

Hansen: Respect international criminal courts

“The effects of the use of starvation as a method of warfare ... against the civilian population of Gaza are acute, visible and widely known, and have been confirmed by multiple witnesses …

Kavanagh: Thank you, firefighters

I want to thank the many men and women firefighters and their support groups who are battling the raging fires around our state. They have been working tirelessly in 100-plus degrees to keep the …

Bieber: EV chargers should come with multifamily complexes

When I was looking for a condo in Phoenix and Scottsdale, having access to an electric vehicle charger was important to me. I was able to successfully convince my HOA board to install EV chargers, but the SRP rebates only covered a certain number of them for the building. The HOA didn’t want to favor some parking spaces over others so luckily, they decided to spend additional HOA funds to install enough EV chargers for the entire parking garage of our condo building. After they were installed, several neighbors quickly purchased EVs.
Joe Smyth

Smyth: Are citizens rejecting both major parties?

If you’re as depressed as I am about American politics, you could use some encouraging news.
Peoria Mayor Jason Beck

A Secure Future: Prioritizing public safety, economic development, water security for all of Peoria

On May 28, the Peoria City Council formally approved the fiscal year 2025 budget.

Hart-Wells: Gratitude and grace for our 2024 graduates

Celebrations are in order, but first I want you to take a moment to be grateful.  For the caregivers and loved ones, family members and friends who are family in every way it matters to …

Schweers: Trump’s claims are outrageous and false

No words are strong enough to express my outrage at MAGA Republicans who would destroy our democracy and rule of law in order to placate a twice-impeached, four-time-indicted person who was found …

Swoope: We have to elect competent representation

This year we have witnessed legislators and courts, totally ignorant of female reproductive biology, impose their ideological beliefs on women’s bodies, unfazed by the suffering that has …

Shinkoskey: Propaganda sleek and believable

Propaganda is sleek and believable, manipulative and evil. It is “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of …

Dover: ‘Extremism’ is talked about without clear definition

“Extremism” and “extremist” are terms used often in the media with regard to our political dialogue and reporting. Can anyone tell me what they mean?  I know what a …

Holben: How low can you go?

In an absolute non-political comment, I must say that my wife and I were appalled at the sight of numerous campaign signs along the roadways that seem to identify Abe Hamadeh as a man draped in a monk’s outfit with the message that says “America was founded on Islamic principles.”

Hover: Remembering those who gave all

As a Navy veteran, my thoughts on Memorial Day were about all who have served, fought, and died* in our armed services to protect our democracy. (*Wikipedia – “United States military …

Dime: Power, not service, is what politics has become

What’s lawfare all about? What’s economic stratification, tribal politics, social justice, equity all about? The privileged 1% plutocracy can speak morally and act immorally because …

Wheat: Asking candidate to stop ad

First let me say thank you Ruben Gallego for your service to our country.

Ecker: Peoria airpark shouldn’t be on backs of residents

After just reading the Peoria Independent article that references the proposed airpark (“Peoria opts to remove 2 general plan proposals after taking input from residents”), I would like to comment on intentions listed within the article as a resident, within the affected area.
Dan Tufto

Tufto: How to make smooth transition from employer’s health plan to Medicare

More than four million Americans will turn 65 this year, more than ever before. Whether this milestone means retirement or not, these individuals need to make important choices about their health care.

Speak Up: Arizona Education Funding Trial begins Tuesday

Arizona schools are going to get their day in court - more like a month - in their bid to convince a judge the state is not living up to its constitutional obligation to fund education adequately. …

Speak Up: Arizona doctors can come to California to perform abortions under new law signed by Gov. Newsom

Arizona doctors can temporarily come to California to perform abortions for their patients under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Adam Kovacevich

Kovacevich: Lawmakers look in wrong places for answer to high home costs

It might be the most significant public policy challenge in the United States with the most straightforward answer.