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Pain: Respect and civility at candidate forum


We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Eagle Society for organizing and hosting “A Conversation with The Candidates” on April 29. The turnout of Paradise Valley residents at Town Hall demonstrated a strong commitment to selecting our next mayor thoughtfully. The evening was a shining example of decorum, respect and civility in politics, setting a standard that state and national politicians would do well to follow.

One candidate, Mark Stanton, said he is described as affable and charming. He certainly lived up to this description during the event. His charm and charisma were evident, and his skills as the current executive director of the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce shone through. He truly knows how to “sell sunshine.”

Mary Hamway also impressed with her list of accomplishments from her time on the Town Council 10 years ago and in other leadership roles. Her technology expertise would undoubtedly be a valuable asset to our town.

However, it was Anna Thomasson who most impressed us. She displayed an exceptional balance of intellect and empathy in her decision-making process. Her numerous accomplishments during her tenure on the Town Council speak volumes. We were particularly struck by Ms. Thomasson’s unwavering commitment to serving her constituents, her dedication to preserving the essence of Paradise Valley, her adept conflict resolution skills, her belief in small government and her willingness to stand alone when necessary for the betterment of our town.

After the event, we felt reassured knowing that whichever candidate becomes our next mayor, Paradise Valley will continue to be the wonderful place we all call home.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.