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Keane: Town would be in good hands with Mayor Hamway


I met Mary Hamway in 2012 when the Town of Paradise Valley asked to find a way to celebrate my dad, Bil Keane, who had created and drawn “The Family Circus” cartoon in our family home at the foot of Mummy Mountain for over 50 years. My four siblings and I were thrilled that the town we all grew up in wished to honor him.

It was decided a bronze sculpture could be created using private money, so, my brother Glen and I designed the sculpture and it was installed and dedicated at the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park in November of 2013, just two years after my dad’s passing. Mary was instrumental in organizing and overseeing all aspects of the project and I know it would never have happened without Mary’s effort and hard work. I no longer live in Paradise Valley but visit annually and believe with Mary as your mayor, the town that means so much to our family would be in very good hands.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.