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Beba: Mark Stanton is the best choice for Paradise Valley Mayor


Integrity, honesty, transparency and responsibility are a few of the key words that describe Mark Stanton.  However, “champion” for Paradise Valley is the best descriptor for Mark Stanton.

Paradise Valley is where Mark lived during grade school, high school and is now raising his family.  He has served on the Paradise Valley Town Council since 2014 – twice as vice mayor. 

Mark has listened and worked with neighbors in making thoughtful decisions on behalf of the town, always putting residents first. He has demonstrated leadership on numerous Paradise Valley successes including The Jones-Gordon School, short-term rentals, support of our breathtaking resorts and prioritizing public safety.

Mark has been transparent and accountable for his decisions. He has earned the trust and respect of the town and has consistently communicated and proven that he will always put quality of life and public safety as his top priorities.

These are reasons Mark Stanton should be our next mayor of Paradise Valley. Please do what is best for Paradise Valley and elect Mark Stanton on July 30, 2024.

 Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.