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Kaplan: Dead coyote is hazard


On April 30 or May 1 going down R.H. Johnson coming from Bell Road, I saw a dead coyote laying on the curb by the center island. I think the second day a cone showed up but the animal did not disappear.

Finally on Saturday when Prides were out cleaning up the coyote did disappear so did they dispose of it?

By that time the animal was starting to turn to liquid. There is a stain on the curb and street which is about 100 feet before Alyssum Drive.

To me that’s a health hazard from day one to people and other animals. How civilized are we? Who ran into it? That animal deserved better as a living creature.

If this is the best we can do, we are an embarrassment to our civilization.We are worse than the animals! If we are going to fix any of the other concerns, we need to start here and the rest will follow. Morals, ethics and integrity need to be addressed.

I didn’t take any pictures because I didn’t think we could do so poorly as this situation. Talked to sheriff’s posse and they didn’t know who put the cone by the coyote. Contacted Prides and they are doing some research about Saturday.

Prides were out Saturday so did they notify the proper authorities and get the coyote picked up finally? Curb and street are stained by the decaying animal and all that’s left is a cone laying in the island. Shouldn’t it be properly cleaned up and sanitized from the decaying remnants of the dead coyote?

What happened here? Why does it take almost a week to get this problem taken care of?

Marcia Kaplan
Sun City West