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Keyword: Sun City

O'Dell: Sun City Posse cars tracked for speeding

On behalf of the Sun City Posse, I would like to clarify some misinformation contained in the “Slow Down on Alabama” letter in the Nov. 22 of the Sun City Independent. It was troubling to …

Shaw: In response to recent claims about immigration

Given the challenge made by Mr. Dime that his “facts are easy to verify,” I want to note that, according to a rightwing anti-immigration website …

Surprise Chamber changes name back to Northwest Valley

The Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce announced it is now going by its original name, the Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Schaper: Options for Sun City pickleball to pay its …

On Nov. 20, I attended the town hall at Sundial Rec Center without knowing it would only be about Mountain View and pickleball. The email that had been sent to homeowners did not specify topics to be …

Knudson: Trump made America great

I want to address Ms. Linda Johnson’s unsubstantiated and generalized accusations she has made in the Nov. 8 edition. Starting with the documents. President Trump had and has every right to …

Sun City West board directors, recall group move …

The recall election in Sun City West is over and the three directors will retain a seat on the Recreation Centers of Sun City West Governing Board.

Peterson: Sun City pickleball players going overboard …

Norm Dickson hit the nail on the head in his letter to the editor in the Nov. 29 issue of the Independent. There are several people on the board of directors, led by Vice President Karen McAdam, who …

Winter reading program for adults coming to 15 …

Maricopa County Library District’s annual winter reading program is back with a new prize partner.

Shaw: Sun City amenities benefit all residents

I felt a need to respond with a counterpoint to the two letters in the Nov. 29 issue of the Sun City Independent. I don’t know where either one lives, but one of the writers purportedly …

Concert to benefit Relay for Life of the Sun Cities

Senior Moments is putting on a benefit concert 4-6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024, for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of the Sun Cities. Tickets for the concert at the Sun City West …

AAUW slates speaker for education-themed meeting

The American Association of University Women, Northwest Valley branch, will meet to discuss “Educational Equity” and “Treasures for Dysart Teachers.”

Champion of Champions named in Sun City West

Each year the Ladies Club champions from each of Sun City West’s four regulation golf courses play each other to see who will be the Champion of Champions. Playing this year was Nancy Wishard …