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Slechta: Ginny Dickey for mayor


Vote Dickey, it’s obvious!

We are all living in Fountain Hills because it is the greatest town in Arizona. The residents and town government made it the best. We have the safest community in the valley. We have among the lowest taxes. We have a detailed plan to address our streets. We have migrated to a town-owned fire department without a glitch. We successfully navigated through the medical and financial pain of COVID.

And Ginny Dickey has led us through all these success stories. Let’s not change what has got us here. Ginny has a career of accomplishments and big ideas. Big ideas sounds like taxpayer dollars. But often her ideas brought great town taxpayer savings. For example, not too long ago, there were five different trash haulers operating in our town. Each truck ran down the same streets, destroying the roads. Ginny championed selecting a single hauler that resulted in millions of dollars savings in road maintenance. Plus, many residents experienced a huge reduction in their bills. I experienced a 50% reduction.  And reducing the truck volume on our local, un-sidewalked streets, provided increased safety for  walkers and school children.

Compare these successes to her competition. What has Arpaio done for Fountain Hills since being defeated in his several other races? Nothing. I challenge anyone to find what initiatives or committees he has been involved with. Where has he been? Selling his stuff.

As for Friedel, he claims five years in town government. He has complained about the streets but his only suggestion is asking for more studies? Really? Was he sleeping through the extensive study by volunteer experts?

Return Ginny Dickey to another term as our mayor. We love our town. Vote for Ginny Dickey.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.