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How Valley citizens can help nourish hope year-round


This time of year is full of celebrations, family and friends. The promise of a new year brings resolutions to be different, to do better or to accomplish something.

It’s also a time where we most notice those in our community who may be lacking the basic human needs of food or shelter. We see the long lines for a food pantry or someone who is trying to find a warm place to sleep on a cold night. News headlines are dominated by higher food prices, inflation, rising housing costs and issues around isolation and loneliness.

As we approach the promise of a new year, residents across the Valley may be looking for ways to help their communities. Here are some ways to be part of the solution in 2025:

Learn more about how you can help

Is there an issue that you have a passion for solving, or are you looking to get educated about areas of need?

To learn more about how to be part of the solution, consider taking a tour, making a phone call or sending an email to a local charity to hear about their mission and the services that need support.

Organize a community food drive, water drive or other drive to provide much-needed items to your favorite charity. As you learn more from your charity of choice, rally your neighbors, friends and family and, together, make an impact in the community.

Community issues shift over time and needs can be seasonal, such as Arizona’s summer- and fall-season needs for heat relief and water distribution. During wintertime, this focus can shift to the need for donated items such as instant heat packs, gloves and warm hats.

Keep a pulse on how to best serve the most vulnerable by regular communication with nonprofits or through email-distributed newsletters and social media correspondence.

Become a regular voluntee

One of the best gifts that we can give is our time, one of our most prized commodities. There are numerous ways to volunteer. Some ideas to consider:

• Spend time and check in with a senior who may be homebound or without family nearby.

• Give time to prepare and serve a meal — such as through programming like TCAA’s Meals on Wheels or I-HELP Shelter — to those who rely on a shelter for a warm and safe place to sleep.

• Consider helping your local food pantry by packing boxes and ensuring that everyone in in the community has access to food.

The possibilities for volunteering are endless, and the gift of time is meaningful and important to not only those who run charitable programs but to the people, families, kids and seniors they serve.

Make a monetary donation

Not everyone has time to volunteer, but if you have the means, you can support your favorite local charity by donating. In addition to providing valuable resources, monetary donations can be tax advantages.

Donations to a qualified Arizona charitable organization like Tempe Community Action Agency, a qualified foster care organization, a public school and/or to a private school tuition organization can be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit.

The limits for each tax credit vary, but you can claim multiple credits. It makes giving a great way to support your favorite cause, make a difference in the community and get a break on your Arizona state income taxes. In addition, there are tax benefits in donating directly from an IRA (if you are 70 ½ or older) and donating shares of stock directly to a charitable organization.

At Tempe Community Action Agency, we work every day to address the needs of those in our community who struggle to make ends meet. We provide food boxes and meals through our food pantry, Meals on Wheels, local senior centers and Tempe I-HELP shelter. We ensure that people and families have a safe place to stay by providing emergency assistance and shelter services. In addition, we help families have healthy babies and seniors to have the support they need to safely age in their own homes.

There are so many ways to help, and nonprofit organizations cannot do it alone. You are needed, not only during the holiday season, but throughout the entire year. Reach out and learn more about the organization you want to work with, whether it be serving meals, visiting seniors, packing food boxes or working in a community garden.

By partnering with organizations like ours and others in the community, you can make a difference in the lives of others and rejoice in the knowledge that you’re part of the solution!

Editor’s note: Carrie Aranda is director of mission advancement at Tempe Community Action Agency, a nonprofit serving economically vulnerable households in the East Valley since 1966. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

2025, new year, resolutions, solution, community, charity, neighbors, nonprofits, make an impact, partner, volunteer, state tax credit

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