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Letters: Resident wants light signal near new Fry’s


I live northwest of 172nd and Jomax Road. We’re all looking forward to the new Fry’s grocery complex coming to 163rd Avenue and Pat Tillman Boulevard.

I just read where the city planners and councilmembers have decided that a traffic signal will not be warranted at this intersection until 2026. 

At a previous meeting one of the councilmembers voted against the development because of major traffic concerns. Now, it has been approved unanimously.

I can’t imagine going to the new Fry’s store and trying to turn left out of the parking lot to drive north on 163rd. Traffic is already growing everyday and residential buildout isn’t even close to being finished.

Regardless of statistics, just seeing the volume of traffic on 163rd would justify a traffic signal when the Fry’s store is built, not when it gets really ugly and unsafe for motorists on 163rd.