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Letters: Reader takes exception to letter on voting


Mr. Ron Moe gave his opinion on vote by mail and his distrust of that system [“It’s time to change how we conduct voting,” May 18].

He based that, apparently, on the removal of Roland Winters from the ballot for District 1 councilperson. Eighteen signatures were deemed improper mainly because the signers were not from that district. Hardly “suspicious” and certainly not reason to doubt the integrity of this country’s voting system.

He goes on to tell of an interesting and “well researched” book called “Rigged” by Mollie Hemingway. Perhaps Mr. Moe should have researched the author before blindly believing her claims and apparently that’s just what they are.

Reviews have called her claims of more votes than registered voters, “Pants On Fire” with no numbers to back them up. As a matter of fact, the total opposite. Another review said “shameless and dangerous. Catnip for Trump’s base.”

Ms. Hemingway is, in fact, a right-wing Federalist Society member and contributor to their publication, along with a Fox contributor.

Perhaps Mr. Moe should volunteer to be trained and to work at the polls. Then he would see that everyone is required to provide ID, no exceptions.

He can also volunteer at the county level to view just how signatures are verified and counted. Many states have used mail-in ballots for 10 years or more with no issues. No fraud. And more citizens take part in the voting process.

In Arizona alone there were four audits, with no finding of significant fraud at all. No matter how much the right screams, they have never provided evidence. If I were queen of the land, Mr. Moe, I would use common sense and make it easier and more accommodating for all U.S. citizens to vote and not base my opinion on conspiracy theories and gossip.