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Letters: Dysart school district needs to work with the money it has


(Re: The failed bond election for the Dysart Unified School District.) It was touted as a means to add safety and security to the schools, etc., but review of the booklet says other things and I believe and properly voted no, as most did.

Why? First the Dysart campaign was not truthful. It said no increase in taxes. That much is correct, but it could be increased, Most importantly, if not approved with the tax extension this means a tax cut. In my case $220 a year, a lot of money to me and other homeowner/taxpayers.

Second, Dysart schools has students that are substantially failing in core subjects like reading, writing and math. Only about 40% of students are preforming in those at grade level.

Third, Dysart had I believe have a $1 million a year slush fund from taxpayer taxes and funds to fund students’ field trips and sports or music additional expenses that parents of some kids won’t or can’t pay.

While some may term this as OK, many like myself don’t. These are extras that are not requirements of taxpayers.

I, like others, am retired and do have to watch expenses. With one school board member not being re-elected and three new members coming in, we need to make do with what we have and concentrate on basics and marketable skills, including reading, writing and math.

Get to work with the money you have.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.