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District 3

Letters: Duffy has been given chance to serve and failed


Liar, liar Patrick Duffy. I’ve never heard a politician bloviate quite like Duffy.

No Duffy, you did not have a single thing to do with bringing in Costco, or Toll Brothers or any other business in the city. Anyone who knows anything about what you’ve done in the last three years knows you have done nothing to help improve our city.

Clearly you knew nothing about the downtown lawsuit because if you did, you would never talk about it. Why? Because we the people lost the lawsuit along with millions of dollars of lost revenue all because of City Council.

And then you say the city is on the right track. Everyone I know has to work outside the city because there are no jobs for those of us that support a family. We still have no entertainment, very little shopping and a bunch more fast food restaurants, more storage units than we can count and you say we’re on the right track?

Oh, you have got to go.

Now, [Greg] Norberg on the other hand had a lot of great ideas that the City Council should have been doing all along. That would have been your job, Duffy, but you dropped the ball. You and the entire council.

Why haven’t you rebranded our city like Norberg recommended? Why don’t we have an Economic Development Commission like Norberg says we need? And we do need it.

Why haven’t you made opening a business easier in our city? What have you been doing the last three years to ask for this job again?

Actually, how did you get elected in the first place? Oh, that’s right, you used the fire and police to get elected, and like Norberg pointed out they want nothing to do with you, and now I can see why.

I’m voting Norberg and I’m telling everyone else please for the sake of our district and the sake of our city vote Greg Norberg.