As a leader of public charter schools, I’m often asked by parents and community members, “What can I do to help?”
Like every other school, volunteers are always needed and classroom supplies are welcome at Legacy Traditional Schools. But there is another way to lend a hand that both benefits our schools and the donor: the Arizona Public School Tax Credit.
Arizona offers donors to any public charter or district school a dollar-for-dollar credit — up to $400 — to lower their state income-tax burden. For Arizonans, this is a simple way to lower your tax burden while benefiting the community and helping a local school. That’s a win-win-win.
At Legacy’s 22 Arizona campuses, donations support everything from student field trips to extracurricular programming — including student concerts, art shows, sports and recreation, spelling bees and more. These are the extras that help make school a special and rewarding experience for our more than 21,000 students across Arizona.
The Arizona Public School Tax Credit is available to any Arizonan who’d like to donate to a public school, including parents, grandparents, friends, family members and anyone else in the community. This program is making a difference in the lives of our teachers and students.
Don’t delay. Contributions must be made by April 15 to be applied to a resident’s 2024 Arizona income tax filing.
If you’d like to reduce your Arizona tax bill, please consider a donation to Legacy Traditional Schools. Learn more by visiting
Editor’s note: Mia Vega is superintendent of Legacy Traditional Schools and its 22 Arizona campuses. Please send your comments to We are committed to publishing a wide variety of reader opinions, as long as they meet our Civility Guidelines.
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