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Watland: Reader believes club has multi concerns


In an opinion (“SCW gathering had only one side of issue,” Sun City West Independent, July 1, 2020) a person had limited the scope of the group SCW and SC Democratic Club to “Black Lives Matter” exclusively, when in reality club members are multi task, involving many more human rights issues.

In fact, about four-plus months earlier, our nation faced a similar issue on our southern border involving “Mexican Lives Matter.” Before that, “Gray Lives Matter.” And, of course, the most famous of them all, “All Lives Matter.” Then we lump it all together and call it “Liberty and Justice for All.”

Very simple, right?

I believe the SCW and SC Democratic Club is multi-faceted, encompassing virtually every Democratic platform known, but primarily concentrating on what and who among “all” the candidates will be acting in the best interest of all those residing in the Sun City West and Sun City senior communities. There is no doubt in my mind who they are. The most difficult part is convincing readers.

One clue — the person who has cut benefits on us and continually attempts to stifle the progress of the Affordable Care Act is not the guy.

I anticipate, in the near future, there will be additional informational events scheduled for health care, Social Security, education, environment, world relations and especially reuniting our nation where Democrats and Republicans can work in harmony with each other towards our many common goals.

Ten years ago, the ACA was passed. Today, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we can no longer delay on any modifications needed to get the ACA in place. Call it “Veterans Care for All” if you want, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the domino affect that caused millions of families to lose their health care because of COVID-19.

Daniel Watland

Sun City West