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Vann: Residents oppose sharing fire


My wife and I, as older Sun City residents, are opposed to any shared or consolidation activities with any other fire districts!

It is our opinion that shared or joint arrangements could lead to some other consolidation efforts. Trust me, consolidation moves would cost Sun City greatly in the long term. As an example, EPCOR wastewater consolidation and planned EPCOR water district where Sun City ends up paying much higher rates to subsidize other high cost districts!

Sun City is basically land locked and unable to build out any additional housing developments. Buckeye has lots and lots of available land to expand housing developments. With any build out comes additional costs for services, such as fire department expansion.

Stay Local, cover our own costs and never get involved in any kind of long term shared expenses or consolidations. It will financially kill the taxpayers of Sun City!

Bill and Hedy Vann

Sun City