Recreation Center of Sun City West CC&Rs are broken, and they cry out for reform.
We need an agency that defends the rule of law and protect homeowners who endure neighbors who violate our policies. If RCSCW is to function effectively going forward, the CC&Rs must be updated in such a way as to meet the challenges we all face here in Sun City West.
Pitting neighbor against neighbor to enforce compliance with CC&R codes and guidelines is ineffective and just another excuse for these agencies to look the other way when people build unpermitted, non-compliant structures on their property.
The way it is now, if you don’t seek permission to build a non-compliant structure of any kind, it will likely be business as usual unless your neighbor files a complaint guaranteed to ensure an adversarial neighbor-to-neighbor dynamic going forward.
This is no way to do business. We must plot a forward-looking pathway that protects and serves all of us.
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