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Simousek: Gathering did not represent community


On the cover of the June 24 edition there appeared a photo that, for me, illustrated the definition of hypocrisy — four old white women holding a sign displaying BLM!

Who are you kidding here in lily white Sun City West? You’d be more to the point if your sign read “BMs Matter.” Of course, it’s easier to preach to the choir here and not as confrontational as going to downtown Phoenix.

I find it offensive that Ms. Finley was quick to point out that she created the SCW and SC Democrats Club Facebook page. How convenient and self-serving. If Ms. Finley wants to know more about the Democratic Party, I grew up in the South Side of Chicago and have firsthand knowledge and involvement with the insidious corruption that the Democrats continue in Chicago and everywhere they are in power. I was a Democrat all of my life until I realized how silly I was.

If these energetic sign wavers would stop waving their messages in the face of people they accuse of being bigots and instead would do some meaningful things, it would be more productive. Have you volunteered at schools, mentored children of slain police officers, helped military families, taught appreciation for this fine country? Do you ladies know how many people were killed in Chicago this past two weeks by black people? I guess those BLMs don’t matter to their own black mayor who wants to defund the police. What?

Thanks for the forum for another view. Go volunteer your time in meaningful ways. Seeing you reminds me of what a black school mate gave to me, this important homily, ”What you are doing is like wetting your pants, you only get a warm feeling for a moment.”

George Simousek

Sun City West