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Putnam: Too bad facts weren’t gotten about gallery


This is in response to Vincent Lynch’s letter (“PORA gallery not same as Village Store,” Sun City West Independent, Aug. 10, 2022) on the del Sol Gallery vs. the Village Store.

I certainly wish he had gotten facts before he wrote his letter about the new del Sol Gallery.

It broke everyone’s heart when the Village Store was closed due to the fear the amount sold in products would violate our nonprofit status and close down all of the wonderful clubs we all enjoy. There was no place to sell the arts we all like to create and thus give us space to continue to make more.

PORA, out of the goodness of their heart, opened up a show space for the arts created by all of the residents in Sun City West. It is not subsidized by the Recreation Centers of Sun City West for the rent, electricity, water and staff, and thus is paid only from the sales of the art work.

Regarding their name, which could not be the village store, I think gallery is appropriate for the work created with time and talent. The staff have created a beautiful show space and the volunteers are always cheerful. The prices are the same as was in the Village Store.

Honestly, I am surprised Vincent was disappointed. All of the artists and craftsmen are so thankful for having a place to display. There is also the artists’ reception where the public can meet the artists and hear about their story and techniques, as well as chat with the volunteers, who are all artists themselves.

Cindy Putnam

Sun City West