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Morrison: Political signs serve a purpose


I have read letters complaining about all of the political signs throughout Sun City West. However, how do you expect a candidate to win if they have no name familiarity with the voters? Whether a Democrat or a Republican, events to educate you about the different candidates are poorly attended. How do you make your decision, by sound bites, neighborhood gossip or just fill in any old circle on your ballot. 

For the 2024 primary, my friend and I put up 16 of the 4-foot by 4-foot signs with rebar for one of our candidates. It was very disheartening to drive back by a few days later and see that they had been removed, damaged. or replaced with a different candidate’s sign. That other candidate must be afraid of competition or not confident in their own electability.

One place on Stardust, we replaced the smaller signs three times. The person who removed them was somewhat aware of the cost and just pulled them from the ground and left them lie there. They were not in anyone’s yard, but on road right of way, which is legal.  Moving forward into the general election, please respect the right of the candidates to get their name out there. The cost of each one of those 4x4 signs with rebar is approximately $27. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.