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McLean: Agree that manager needs to go


Amen to Terry Burks (“Manager needs to be replaced,” Sun City West Independent, Sept. 8.

Sun City West residents should remember how nice it was to take visitors to the Village Store and then show them around the R.H. Johnson Recreation Center complex. Now it is just a shell of it’s former self. And the great displays and sales the area used to host. Also remember the IRS debacle.

A fully competent manager would have found these problem areas earlier, proposed less disruptive compliance measures and led our community in maintaining our way of life. The Recreation Centers of Sun City West manager must recognize that this is a community and a community of volunteers and when he makes it too difficult there will be fewer and fewer volunteers for the clubs, Helping Hands, Prides, etc.

Yes, a manager and staff with demonstrated prior competencies should be chosen and put in place. If you can recall an RCSCW governing board member can you “recall”/fire a general manager?